JEDI Collaborative explores relationship between social justice and education


阿希礼帕特森, 教育和妇女学副教授, 性别与性研究, shared her research on social justice in the classroom at 中国博彩平台's virtual JEDI Collaborative Speaker Series event. 

来源:Mary Kate Maguire

宾州中央谷. — 阿什利·帕特森, 教育和妇女学副教授, 中国博彩平台的性别和性研究, believes turning wishes for equity in education into hopeful realities is both “a goal and a process.” 

As a guest speaker for 中国博彩平台’s (PSU-LV) Collaborative for Research on Justice, 股本, 多样性和包容性(JEDI), 一个支持学生社会正义研究的校园倡议, Patterson said she strives to provide her students with the tools to holistically facilitate change. 与同事Efrain Marimón共同指导D.C. 在大学公园校区的社会公正奖学金课程, Patterson prepares her students to transfer classroom concepts into real life during a three-week teaching and learning immersion program in Washington, D.C, where students assume the role of teacher in partnership with several D.C. 公立高中和乔治城法学院.

“We want students to close the gap between their theoretical social justice understanding and their practical application,帕特森说. 

在与PSU-LV JEDI协作的虚拟网络研讨会上, Patterson called attention to patterns of inequities that occur within educational spaces. 使用一种叫做重构语篇分析的技术, verbal exchange in the classroom is analyzed and language that may lack elements of inclusivity or equity are identified.

“这是一种相当回顾性的分析方法,”帕特森说. “It takes a good bit of attention to gather discourse examples, analyze them, and see patterns. But after you’ve done the work, then you can be more cognizant of them moving forward.”

Patterson recounted her visit to a middle school classroom that demonstrated an impressive level of trust between teacher and student, 她认可包容性对话的氛围.

“通过关注课堂上的语言使用, I was able to see that this trust and mutually respectful relationship was built just from the way [the teacher] would speak to the students,帕特森说.

Conversely, Patterson noticed when the teacher’s language actually detracted from their goals. Identifying these moments and tracking similar instances is a critical part of the RDA process. 

Patterson also discussed the relationship between a student’s self-perception and their classroom experience.

“Research has shown that there is a direct tie between learning spaces and a student’s ability to perceive themselves as being capable of high achievement,帕特森说.

She addressed a recent study on standardized testing procedures in support of this theory. 

“There's shown to be a link between when students take a standardized test, and they have to write down their race and/or gender versus when they don't,帕特森说. “即使测试的其余部分与此无关, 当它被称为最重要的时候, 当数据被收集的时候, 学生的表现, 统计, 明显比没有的时候差.”

Patterson encourages teachers to consider these situations when carrying out their classroom strategy.

“我希望教育工作者创造一个让学习者感到被认可的空间, 包括, 庆祝, 挑战和支持——不管这对他们来说有什么意义,”她说。.

The JEDI Program at 中国博彩平台 is currently in its third year, 支持学生研究人员的个人追求. Computer science major Samreen-Joy Minhas is investigating stereotypes and gender harassment found within the video gaming industry by conducting surveys with female gamers and initiating discussions with game developers.

“I want to find ways to mitigate the harassment that women and other minorities face in the gaming community,明哈斯说. 

Biobehavioral health student Muhammadmahdi Shivja is exploring socioeconomic factors associated with immigrant access to health care in the United States. Shiva is using the Social Determinants of Health Theory as a framework for his research complemented by a balance of quantitative analyses and qualitative interviews.

“I am very familiar with the plight individuals and families like mine face and it is a problem that needs addressing,湿婆说. 

“We hope that this experience helps broaden student perspectives and exposures as they concern lifelong goals,” 詹妮弗·帕克, associate professor of sociology at PSU-LV and JEDI Collaborative adviser.

For more information on JEDI Research Fellowships at 中国博彩平台, visit lehighvalley.事业单位.edu/jedi-research-fellowships
